Thursday, February 09, 2006

For a lousy day, a lot of cool stuff happened

God I feel like ASS today. I must be hung over but I fail to see how or why. I think somebody slipped me a mickey! All day long I have pondered why I can't remember certain scenes from LOST last night, which I made a point of sitting and watching and paying attention to. 3 scenes specifically I don't remember AT ALL. People have told me about them, and I seriously suspected I had turned off the TV before the show was over, but I clearly recall the final scene! These other scenes occurred before the last scene I saw, so WHO KNOWS. I must have had a waking blackout or something. Scary. It doesn't take me like 5 whole minutes to go in the kitchen and get a drink ... Good thing I tape LOST, huh!

Anyway, was thrilled and tickled to see my name in the local paper THE CHRONICLE. Have a look:

AWESOME! I got quoted! I love me. Thanks Spencer!

Another bad ass thing is that I finally reeived my DVD of CANNIBAL HOLOCAUST! This is the sickest film ever made, it rips your eyes out, throws Tabasco on them and then shoves them back in, only in the wrong sockets, so you're all confused and insane after. The film is really difficult to watch. No pleasure to be had in this one. But afterwards, you realize you are changed, and will never be the same. How good a thing that is is still open to debate.

EDIT: Ok its a new day today. The mystery of LOST is solved. I *did* turn it off prematurely. Which SUCKS, but at least I can dismiss those fears of sleepwalking or being Tyler Durden. I was really freaked out that I had a memory gap. Turns out I am just stupid. Thank goodness. On the other hand it still sucks cos I didn't tape the part I missed :(

Say, anyone got a copy????? Screw you then!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

sadly as we age the things we thought would never come to I used to be sharp as a tack with everything planned out so maticulously. I feel i'm already entering alzheimers. with every yr my brain scrammbles around and before ya know it you forget who ya are! better numb anyway.

4:50 PM  

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