Thursday, September 15, 2005

10 Things That Suck

1. People who *still* use the phrase "one of those movies that's SO bad it's GOOD!" as if it were even the slightest bit original.
2. People who talk on cel phones while driving. Stupid under any circumstances, but the ones that *really* get me are the ones that turn left or right while on the phone. MORONS!
3. People who turn right on red when the signs clearly state not to. Double points if on their cel phones.
4. People who come to a stop in pedestrian crosswalks. And then glare at you when you walk too close to their faggy new Benz.
5. People who talk on their cel phones in public places, like the Post Office or a Pizza joint. STFU bitch!
6. Cel phones in general but that's just my jealousy talking :(
7. Members of your own family that steal from you. How low can you get? I thought I knew the answer as a teenager when I had to deal with a cousin who'd steal from me. I thought that was pretty low. But then he would rob my grandparents in order to pay off drug debts. THAT was pretty low. But then this was topped by a cousin of mine who stole a lot of my collectibles from storage --- on THANKSGIVING! But even this was still not as low as a "person" can go. I know a girl (if human terms even apply) who stole her mother's entire life savings --- AND her retirement money. Simply astonishing. It does indeed SUCK.
8. Anyone who thinks it is politically insightful to call someone "a liberal" as if it were some sort of insult.
9. Anyone who thinks it is politically insightful to argue that "Hitler was bad." Really? No shit? What a challenging, thought-provoking notion! (These people also probably tell their friends about all the air they breathed yesterday, as if it were some grand revelation or something.)
10. People who don't reply to blogs they read. They suck almost more than anything.


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