Thursday, November 10, 2005

Idolotry of the hilariously flawed

OK so its been like forever. Here's a tissue for you. OK feel better now? Let me rub your back.

Yeah yeah, so I haven't posted in a while, big deal. And its not that I ran out of things to talk about. Its more like I felt too many eyes on me. Too many people have access to this blog and I was going through some personal stuff that occupied more forebrain, and that was what I *wanted* to write about, but I didn't dare put it out there for all to see.

Girls, let that be a lesson to you: please don't get my attention, or you risk wrecking my ability to write. SOULLESS CREATURES!

So lessee here ... What's the news ... First of all, I'd like to bid adieu to LOST's "Shannon." SEE YA, SHANNON. Don't let the palm tree smack your ass on the way out. What a waste of a character. My roommate said, "Man, they really hate the spoiled rich brats on LOST, don't they." Yes. Yes, they do. And thank goodness for that. (Maybe Jack is next. DIE!)

Went to a comic con this weekend for the first time in forever. Quite the refreshing getaway I have to admit. Managed to meet an idol of mine, the artist Tim Vigil. Sadly, even though I have been a follower of his since 1988, every single person I tell about meeting him goes, "Who???" I guess his star has kinda fallen, public-wise. But I just read his latest comic and damn if he doesn't still have "it" going on. I think professionally he was just too stubborn to survive at the top. He is a very uncompromising artist. And by "uncompromising" I mean that he drew images that printers refused to handle and "otherwise civilized countries" felt worthy of banning from their shores. Hell if I had kids I'd probably hate him. Or fear him. His images corrupt. I dig that in a big way. I am so jaded and desensitized that it takes really graphic and awful things to get me going. Hell, I even bought some trades of his work at the show and it wasn't until last night that I even noted "hey, on the cover is a guy getting chopped in half and his guts are shooting out." I just kinda "saw" it when I bought it, but I realized last night that I am also just USED TO IT. This may be a sign of turning into a serial killer but hopefully not.

Still, even though he is reduced to self-publishing and drawing naked superheroes at cons for a living, I totally respect and admire the guy. He never sold out. Even faced with career blackballing, he just gave everyone the finger and turned up the heat. Oddly, he seems not entirely aware of his situation; he even expressed incredulity that DC comics wasn't interested in publishing a Batman book he is drawing. When he showed it to me, the first few pages were astoundingly good, and I wondered who in their right minds WOULDN'T want to publish it. It was awesome, very gothic and iconic, dark Batman and Joker stuff with that "Vigil flair" to it. Of course then I turned the page and there was a 2-page layout of the Joker getting his knob polished by a guzzling Harley Quinn, and I just looked at Tim and asked him straight up: are you high or something? I mean, *I* would buy and read that story. It's irreverent and even disrespectful and inapproriate. Offensive and lewd and prurient, sophomoric and juvenile. But really hilarious and nervy. I love transgression! "They don't return my calls," he laments with with the tone of one truly confused. Too funny. Its like performance art or something. I don't think he's drawn a comic in ten years that doesn't have a dick in it somewhere.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

ok i'm actually laughing here...your first few lines had me lol and i havn't been laughing fyi. "rub your back" very in the know of this. did that make sense? oh well...if you become a serial killer maybe ann rule will write about you and i can go buy it at half price-he he...and then i can write my own book,'my brother, the serial killer' or 'blood brother' or some shit like that-and make some you!

12:00 PM  
Blogger figurebuilder said...

Hey, I like "Blood Brother," has a nice ring to it. And don't worry about buying a copy --- I'll just get this blog published as my "diary" and sell that as the "Emergence of the Damaged Mind." You can even have a copy on the house.

12:19 PM  

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