Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Thought for the day

Isn't it funny how the people who can improve your day can just as easily wreck it with seemingly the same amount (or lack) of effort?

Yeah, HA HA HA


Anonymous Anonymous said...

intensly't really thought of it tht way...but you are right because sometimes someone can do just so little to make my day and then say one thing and make me feel like shit forever.

10:11 AM  
Blogger figurebuilder said...

And the sad thing is that the individual who inspired this idea likely has no clue that I ever cared enough to "be hurt."

People are stupid and cruel.

10:51 AM  
Blogger Rennie Harlin's Bitch said...
go here and improve your day with all the swiftness you could possibly desire. between this and the giant squid pictures and the fucking awesomeness of "a history of violence," this week, i could die a happy man. not that i WANT to. but i think you get my meaning. anyway, cheer the fuck up, camper!

6:42 PM  
Blogger figurebuilder said...

Thanks bro. Great link! And yeah History of Violence is an incredible film.

You are my favorite academic. Which admittedly is saying very little but that does not make it untrue.


2:03 PM  

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