Thursday, September 08, 2005

Some changes!

OK, now you can respond EVEN IF YOU HAVE NOT REGISTERED OR HAVE A BLOG. So you truly have no excuses. (But do me a favor and at least make up a silly name so I can get a laugh. Or, use your real name so I can come punch your clock if you talk too much shite.)

Also, you'll need to go thru another "word verification" step before you respond. This is to prevent automated spam. From douchebags. (Apparently non-automated spam is still possible, but at least it will also be from douchebags, and I can tell them so, instead of insulting a low-grade AI.)

PS if I find out you have read my blog but never replied I will kick your ass. I mean it --- ass kicking in your future. Foot-to-ass genre incoming. Sore Bottom genre is imminent.


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