Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Weekend's bounty

No time for effluvient prose today my little dummies, just the facts. What did I watch this weekend!!! Bet you can't wait!

THE 40 YEAR OLD VIRGIN: Hilarious from start to finish. Really glad I saw this in a theatre. It was nice to hear lots of people laughing together!

GUNSLINGER'S REVENGE: Abysmal Italian western made in 1998 starring --- brace yourself --- Harvey Keitel and David Bowie! But its so lousy I can't even begin to describe it. Avoid it at all costs, unless, like me, you just like seeing David Bowie do *anything.* Like feign a Texas accent and pretend to be an outlaw and wear anachronistic sunglasses and an earring. Although I should qualify "anything" by saying "well, 'anything' so long as 'anything' does not include 'getting shot by the village idiot.'" Which is what happens. What a letdown. Terrible film. Bowie kicks ass.

ASSAULT ON PRECINCT 13 (remake version): I was really on board with this movie. Its exciting and pretty and has a great cast and a ton of surprises. The cast attrition happens in completely unexpected order. Characters die that I felt had a free pass from day one. It truly tricked me! For such a consistently entertaining b-movie, its sad to report that the ending is completely anticlimactic. I was like "Hey wait! Y'all ain't done yet! Come back it's not over!" But alas, it was. Too bad. Maybe they just wanted to leave room for a sequel. But up until the very end it was pretty good! You could do a lot worse (see previous reviews).

BLACK HAWK DOWN: gave this one a spin last night. Holds up really well. People complain about Ridley Scott's track record and say he has "only 2 truly good movies, ALIEN and BLADE RUNNER." But ya know, I really dig GLADIATOR and I have to say that BHD is a damn good movie too. Plus its funny to see Orlando Bloom in his whopping 3 minutes of screen time and Ewan McGregor perfecting his American accent before wowing us in THE ISLAND. Maybe Ridley just makes a HANNIBAL every few years so his other movies look really good in comparison? Didn't see KINGDOM OF HEAVEN yet but I really want to now.

BEYOND JFK: THE CASE FOR CONSPIRACY: Just got a wild hair and wanted me some Kennedy. Its hilarious to see Gary Oldman carry on about how "Oswald didn't have a shot" and Kevin Costner call Jim Garrison a "true patriot." Otherwise, a kinda boring puff piece designed to promote Oliver Stone's movie.

Aside from this I mostly just watched a lot of CURB YOUR ENTHUSIASM (SEASON 4). When Jeff's wife calls Larry "Mr. Jew Face" I thought I was gonna choke to death laughing. Oh yeah and Cheryl David makes marriage look like something not so bad.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

first of all-you're wantin to see kingdom of heaven cos my boy oralndo is in it and you're just not realizing that he is what makes it...got that out of the way. and, i heard that the wax scene was real cos the dude wanted it to look as real as possible in pain! dude...that dude has a hairy chest. gaggy. "oh, i ain't got no grass on my playground..."{wink,wink}

12:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ok, the wax scene in the 40yr.old virgin...duh!!!!!!!!!

12:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you know, i'm beginning to realize that everyone was at first excited with my blog...now it's kinda died down and i can see a lot of spammers in my future....i'm psychic like that

12:04 PM  
Blogger figurebuilder said...

I read every one of your posts my dear. Keep em coming. I hardly ever get comments on mine and that does not stop me. It for MY pleasure, not anyone else's.

3:20 PM  

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