Thursday, September 01, 2005

Ladies and gentlemen ...

... I get lonely sometimes with no replies. C'mon, just register, you don't have to maintain a blog or give a CC#, your profile can have no info in it if you wish ... And then you can share your pearls of wisdom with the other 2 dickheads who actually read this thing. Won't that be GREAT?! Sure it will! Plus you can cook up noxious aliases and masquerade as deviants if you so desire. This way I can play the "who the f*ck is that" game!


Blogger figurebuilder said...

Yeah like I'm clikkin on THAT, fool. SPAMMY SPAM SPAM!

8:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ok, i get excited and see an "anonymous" telling me my site rocks and then they want me to click on "this". almost fell for it...thought how dumb i was...and didn't. i was all excited!then realized...hook, line and sinker.

11:59 AM  

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