Friday, October 12, 2007

DOLPHIN, SAW 3, BLOB '88, other stuff

Summer brings with it the realization that I have a lot of free time on my hands, and that means I get a lot of books under my belt and watch a boatload of movies. On Sunday I managed a three-fer and watched DAY OF THE DOLPHIN, DAGON, and EDMUND, and marvelled at the curious coincidence that DAGON and EDMUND were both directed by Stuart Gordon!

Last night was another double-bill (which are rarely thematically organized; my rommate must think me schizophrenic). First up was the 1988 remake of THE BLOB starring Kevin Dillon (who nowadays everyone exclaims "FROM ENTOURAGE!" even though to me he's more "FROM PLATOON!"). No particular reason for the choice, except that I had been kicking it around idly for a few days and it seemed like a good idea. Sadly, and with a small amount of throwup in my mouth, I realized it was pan and scan. Still, an impressive amount of blood and gore on display, and lots of characters get blobbed that are really surprising. Amusingly, the guy who gets top billing in the credits is the first to go. AWESOME.

My second feature was the obligatory studio-fare-I-couldn't-be-botherd-to-see-in-the-theatre-but-for-free-who-cares DVD, SAW 3. Now, as a viewer, i really have to exhaust all my options on the New Release shelf before I even notice a SAW DVD sitting there. Still, it happens. A SAW movie is like the last girl left in a bar on a lonely Friday night, its 2:20 am and you just drained the last drop of the last drink and your standards are lowered just enough to say "yeah, whatever."

So yeah, I said it: I have seen both SAW movies. Hell, at this point I have seen all three. This is sorta like saying YEAH I GOT THE HERP, WHAT ABOUT IT BITCH? or maybe THIS ONE TIME I ATE DOG FOOD AND LIKED IT. But once it slips out of your mouth you damn well better stand by it unless ridicule is something you enjoy. So anyway, SAW 3 is better than dog food. It is fantastically sadistic, unpleasant and vile, so, points for that. Plus, it is really confusing, which must mean it is for smart people. So, more points. I had a harder time identifying characters in SAW 3 than I did during THE THIN RED LINE and that's saying something.

But going back to my earlier observation of weird coincidences: Bearing in mind that I rented these 2 films totally independently of one another, who can name the strange coincidence of what both THE BLOB and SAW 3 have in common? No fair cheating on IMDB now! That would not be sporting!


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