Monday, July 10, 2006

Bitter scooter girl and fashion anxiety

Just a few amusing things to happen to me lately ...

Today I am riding my bicycle to work and I come to a corner that I need to turn right on. A girl on a scooter rolls up on my left and cuts across the bike lane to turn right --- in front of me. Now, I am not too concerned, but for the fact that she cut it kinda close and I had to slow down to let her pass --- but then she has the nerve to glare at me over her shoulder (in motion, mind you) and yells BIKES HAVE TO STOP TOO!!!! as she tears off down the street. An appalling display if you ask me. She wasn't even wearing a helmet, didn't stop at the sign, and cut from the left lane across the right to turn, and *I* am the bad guy? OK whatever you say, Honey.

Oh yeah and she was wearing those asscrack jeans and gave me a nice view. Mybe she was on the rag, who knows.

Then the other day I was riding my bike down the street (OK, the sidewalk) and I came up to a red light and stopped. There were people standing at the corner bus stop and it was a tight fit, but they made enough room for me to walk past straddling the bike (thank you). But the kicker was the little girl, maybe 3 years old, who looked up at me and waved and said ... something. Then she said it again and I couldn't help but laugh; she was saying "Trick or treat! Trick or treat!" to which her mom was embarrassingly correcting her, "No honey, not trick or treat." This is the kind of thing that makes a guy seriously question his fashion sense. To the untrained eye, I was basically dressed up for Halloween. Great.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dont EVER disrespect a Vespa rider again .... I dont think that you would post a negative comment about a Harley rider .. now would
She had the right of way anyway you look at it....

1:07 PM  
Blogger figurebuilder said...

She might not have had the right-of-way, but she did have a butt that wouldn't quit.

1:45 PM  

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