Tuesday, August 09, 2005

A retraction

It seems I was wrong in my earlier statement that I "finally saw my first Nazisploitation film."

What I meant was, I finally saw my first "knockoff" Nazisploitation film, because clearly ILSA SHE WOLF OF THE SS and SALON KITTY are "legitimate" movies. (rolls eyes at self)

And no I have no idea where I draw the line, and I'm not going to devote any more time to thinking about it.

Last night I did not watch, but at least started, what may very well be the most insanely-titled movie OF ALL TIME! How can you *not* be curious about a film called ... get this ... CALIGULA REINCARNATED AS HITLER?!? My word. Anything to make buck a guess. I didn't get too far into it as it seemd like it was edited for content. A lot of jump cuts and nonsequiturs. But I might give it a further spin later.

HILARIOUS credit sequence and cover. This is a 70s movie from Italy, but the cover and credits were clearly filmed very recently, really juicing up the fetishistic 'appeal' of Nazi iconography by having one of those collagen-injected sluts ... oh, sorry, I mean MODELS ... pose in various outfits 'inspired' by SS uniforms. She seems kind of dazed and unaware of what she is doing, and her lips are so pouty and swollen she looks like she is having an allergic reaction.

The rest of the movie I didn't see enough of to responsinbly write about. Perhaps tomorrow.


Blogger Blog ho said...

that's better

3:16 PM  
Blogger KOM said...

Interesting viewing material. I guess you've got to really like movies to explore these gems.

I've actually seen Ilsa at rental places, but have never quite gotten around to it. Too much Ator, too little time.

3:29 PM  

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