Wednesday, August 03, 2005

God forgive me

... But I finally saw my first "Nazisploitation Film," SS EXPERIMENT LOVE CAMP! (And doesn't that title sound like a Japanese music video compilation?) Basically, the premise of this member of the subgenre of "Women In Prison" films of the 70s is that a lot of women "prisoners" (never identified as Jewish, or ANYTHING for that matter) are taken to "a camp" (also never identified as a CONCENTRATION camp, its just called a "medical camp") and have "love experiments" performed on them. Luckily a bunch of mustachio'd, sex-starved soldiers from the Eastern front are available to lollygag around in their barracks and kill time until they have to ... ahem ... help with the experiments.

Let's face it: even the title of this movie is offensive, and guaranteed to make any clerk think you are a deranged pervert if you rent it. I read a really funny review that said "the most offensive thing about this movie is that it trivializes the Holocaust." Which isn't funny in itself but the flat manner in which it was stated sure is! But in truth, an outrageous title like this conjures up far more atrocious content in the imagination that the filmmakers can ever hope to deliver. And they don't even try, really. As with other WIP films, the basic setup is mostly an excuse to get a lot of fair maidens naked and then take showers. No, not THOSE KIND of showers! Real showers.

Oh, Sweet Jesus. Should I even go on? Ah why not.

Movies like this beg to be ridiculed, and this one does not skimp on content worthy of ridicule. From a purely historical point of view, the uniforms are hilarious. At least they are almost all actually "SS" uniforms, although they are all early-war period with bottle green collars and ...

HELLO? Is anyone even reading this?

The funniest uniform is on the main character, who sports a nice looking tanker's outfit, although it is clearly Heer/Army, and not SS. I think its a self-propelled gun crew uniform with the Totenkopf tabs on the collar. But this is not SS! WTF is this guy doing at this camp? I'm fairly certain that the film's producers raided the local costume shop for "anything German" and this is what they got. Its not a bad-looking outfit; its just got the wrong guy inside of it. Also this camp seems to only have one guard. Not only is he clearly overweight, he seems to be posted EVERYWHERE. Every time the location changes, there he is, watching the door. Its awesome.

Anyways, blah blah blah. Near the end of the movie, a plot almost develops. Seems the camp commandant got his balls eaten off by a Russian peasant girl a few months back, and he wants some new ones. So he has the doctor perform the "world's first testicle transplant" using the main character's manhood(s) as raw materials. Not content with using the endless parade of nude woment to justify it's rating (or lack thereof), the movie features the surgical procedure in close-up, and in color. Ew. I think they used mountain oysters as props. Let's hope so.

Camp Commandant proceeds to have an orgy to fill out the last 10 minutes of the movie, before Main Character Guy finally gets wise to what has happened (don't ask) and leads an armed uprising along with the women against the Commandant and the guards. "How ya been doin' with my BALLS!" he shouts, in the best line in the whole picture. Finally, the poor Commandant "ironically" suffers the same fate AGAIN at the hands of the irate women, and then everyone gets killed WILD-BUNCH style (only, not cool, and stupid). But, I kinda dug the whole nihilistic ending.

So I guess next up at bat is going to be SS HELL CAMP, which I hear features stock combat footage. Yay! Plus I expect to grab BEAST WITH A GUN, starring Helmut Berger of SALON KITTY fame, just to bring the last few nights full circle again.

And yes I am writing this strictly for people who know WTF it is I am talking about, ha ha.

The rest of you SUFFER, worms!!!

(evil laugh, fades out)


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