Monday, August 01, 2005

Snoring neighbor: SEE YA

Homie moved out unexpectedly yesterday. Thank goodness! (Although he did take all the plastic deck chairs with him, including MINE). What the hell? That's like taking the ice cube trays with you. Who does that? At least he did not dig up all the cool potted plants that are actually planted now in the garden.But anyway, here's to getting a new neighbor who is quieter. PLEASE GOD, no more rockers, sports fans, teenagers, drummers, etc. A nice, old, single, man. Like my previous neighbor, a huge movie buff, a 68-year-old single guy, the sweetest dude ever. Who unfortunately dropped dead. What a bummer.

That was a strange thing. Here's this nice old guy who was genuinely gracious and generous. He'd loan me piles of videos whenever I wanted and I'd do the same. We'd chitchat and I'd program his VCR for him. This guy smoked like a chimney and one day gets himself put in ICU with a heart attack. I went and visited him and he tells me they found lung cancer too and can't do any heart surgery on him. We don't really discuss it much after that. So he comes home and I notice he has more family around more often, getting him groceries and stuff. He mentions to me something about how some 'hospice' is helping him out, but I have zero idea what this is. I'll always regret turning down his invitations to come visit at this point. I didn't know that a hospice is something that helps make you more comfortable when you are dying. I just thought it was care for folks who couldn't afford it. So one day i notice these 2 people going in and out of his apartment for a while. Kind of odd. Turns out he died a couple days before at his sister's house. It was really quick apparently. He just coughed real deep once and that was it, like snapping your fingers.

So then his nephew and niece show up and pack up all his thousands of videos. I watched them do it and they didn't seem to know really much about movies. It was more a chore for them. I mention that a few of my tapes are mixed in there but they can't find them and ask me to write them down, which I do. In the back of my head I keep hoping that they'll say, " ... why don't you take whatever you want, he'd have wanted you to have them instead of just dumping them at the Salvation Army," but they never do. A few days later my tapes are left at my doorstop in a paper bag with no note.

I hope nobody ever dumps MY stuff at 1/2 Price Books or the freakin' Thrift Shop. All my comics and videos. Hopefully they'll go to people who will dig them and keep them alive or whatever. Maybe I should just sell everything now so nobody ever has to treat my collections as "a chore."

Nah! Let 'em freakin WORK. Break a sweat, bitches! HA HA HA!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

ok, great...problem're never really safe anywhere will always be surrounded by idiots. i'm sad i won't get the op to witness the snorer-where was he when i visited and why didn't we make special arrangements to make a 'party' out of it?

6:41 PM  

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