Thursday, July 21, 2005

Mmmmm ... Wire ... (drools)

OK so I go to see Speilberg's WAR OF THE WORLDS for the 3rd time the other day, and since its at the Alamo I figured might as well get a burger. So I'm watching my fave movie when I feel some kind of FOREIGN OBJECT in my mouth, and first I though it was a sliver of bone, then when I touched it I had this fleeting thought -NEEDLE- that was very unsettling. But I think it was more of a paper clip that went through a meat grinder. I mean, it wasn't TASTY or anything, but I was a bit relieved, considering the alternatives.

And boy I have never seen a manager more willing to placate me than on this day. I bet he would have bent over in the men's room if I had asked him to. He was really quite nice and dedicated to making it right. We got the bill after the movie and it just said "$0." So basically I got 1 1/2 burgers, 2 orders of fries, a bucket of beer, an order of chips and queso, AND a slice of chocolate freakin' cake, for NOTHING. Well, nothing but a piece of wire in my burger, so the deal is only a good one in retrospect. Still, when I factor in that I used passes for our tickets, and did not drive, I had a pretty good day's entertainment for very little investment. REMEMBER THE ALAMO I guess.

(And yes I left a tip. It wasn't the Staff's fault I got a Metalmouth Surprise, hell, it wasn't even the Alamo's fault, it was the damned meatpackers.)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i would MUCH rather find something such as a wire or something that was not once alive or attatched to someone in something i was eating!! you are right, we blame the wrong people. almost can't be helped sometimes. imagine what really goes on behind closed doors....

2:48 PM  

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